Looking to Fill Your Freshwater Aquarium? Consider These Popular Fish
Discover the fascinating world of freshwater fish ownership.

If you're thinking of keeping fish, you're most likely envisioning the common freshwater fish most owners focus on. Freshwater fish come in an astonishing variety of species, shapes, sizes, and colors -- but which ones should you consider for your freshwater aquarium? Let's take a look at some popular examples.
Most Common Freshwater Fish for Aquariums
If you don't know much about freshwater fish, why not start with a sure thing? Here are a couple of species you'll find in almost every freshwater aquarium.
- Goldfish - The goldfish enjoys a reputation among pet owners as the most common and popular of all freshwater fish. This hardy animal can do well in a fairly broad range of conditions, and its golden coloring is always a joy to look at.
- Guppies - These little guys claim the number-two spot in the freshwater aquarium world. They don't have any unusual care requirements, but since guppies do better in groups, you'll want to get a few of them.
Little Beauties to Grace Your Freshwater Aquarium
Smaller freshwater fish make a great starting point for pet owners because they're inexpensive and don't eat much. In addition to the guppies mentioned above, you may want to add the following tiny pets to your aquarium.
- Neon tetra - While there are many kinds of tetras, the neon tetra gets the most attention, probably because of its gorgeous iridescent colors. They love environments that offer lots of fun little hiding places.
- Golden wonder killifish - This species of killifish lives about three years and can enhance any aquarium with its cheerful yellow body. You can keep them alongside other fish of similar size.
- Cherry barb - The cherry barb may be only two inches long, but it stands out because of its deep red coloration. This peaceful creature thrives in groups and can hold up under a variety of conditions.
Freshwater Fish That Make a Big Impression
As beautiful and fascinating as tiny fish are, you might prefer fish that call attention to themselves in a more dramatic way. Give the following species some thought.
- Angelfish - Angelfish sport a wide range of bright colors and large, wing-like fins. They also grow up to six inches long. They can be aggressive toward other species of fish.
- Blue acara - This handsome electric-blue fish can reach up to eight inches in length, making it a striking addition to your freshwater aquarium. It can get along peacefully with other species of various sizes.
- Checkerboard discus - This species of freshwater fish is known, not only for its impressive size of up to 10 inches, but also for the attractive checkerboard patterns on its body.
- Betta - These huge-finned fish aren't nicknamed Siamese fighting fish for nothing. Male bettas will compete to the point of attacking and killing each other, so include only one male and select females for your other bettas.
Community Fish for Peaceful Coexistence
As the betta demonstrates, you must exercise caution when combining some freshwater fish with others. If you'd rather rest assured that your new pets will all get along, focus on these members of the category known as community fish.
- Rainbowfish - The rainbowfish's colorful body lives up its name, with up to 50 different varieties available. They do best in groups of six or more.
- Minnow - A typical adult minnow is only about 1.5 inches long, so take care not to pair with large fish that might prey on them.
- Swordtail - A long, sword-like fin that lends this fish its name. You can find them in many bright, beautiful colors.
Bottom Dwellers: The Cleanup Crew of Freshwater Aquariums
Every freshwater aquarium owner must perform routine maintenance and cleaning as needed to keep their fish healthy and happy. But that job gets a little easier when you have your own finned cleanup crew living in the tank, gobbling up the debris that drifts down to the substrate. Here are some popular bottom feeding fish.
- Catfish - Several species of catfish make good freshwater aquarium residents. Common examples include the cory catfish, twig catfish, and synodontis catfish.
- Zebra loach - Unlike other loaches, the zebra loach is active during the day. These striped fish prefer some handy hiding places and a sandy substrate in their environment.
- Bristlenose pleco - This bottom feeder may not win any beauty contests, but it's a low-maintenance fish that can live for up to 12 years.
- Siamese algae eater - This silver-and-black bottom feeder can help you keep the algae levels in your aquarium under control.
Consult Your Pet Store -- and Your Exotic Animal Vet
The right species of freshwater fish will make your life as a fish owner much easier. Of course, you also need to know about the ideal foods, water temperature, accessories and enclosure space for your needs and goals. Your local pet shop should be able to guide you as you purchase both your fish for your freshwater aquarium.
No matter how thoughtfully you provide for your fish's needs, illnesses and injuries can still occur. For instance, a sick fish may lose its appetite, act disoriented, or develop obvious abnormalities in its eyes, gills, or skin. Make sure you have access to an exotic animal veterinarian who evaluates and treats freshwater fish so you can address any health problems promptly and effectively!
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