Ask Dr. Jenn: Do Penguins Live at the North Pole?
Do penguins live at the North Pole with Santa? I see photos of them together, but I thought they lived a the South Pole.

You are correct. Penguins do not live at the North Pole. These adorable flightless birds can only be found in the Southern Hemisphere. Most penguins live in Antarctica, where the South Pole is located, or on the surrounding subantarctic islands.
If you have ever watched a penguin try to walk on land, you will understand why they don’t live in the Arctic. The Arctic is full of land predators, such as polar bears, wolves, and foxes. A penguin slowly waddling across the ice would be an easy meal for these adept hunters.
So, what animals live at the North Pole? The North Pole is a harsh environment. It is not a distinct land mass but ice sheets within the northern Atlantic Ocean. The temperature is rarely above freezing and can be as low as fifty degrees below zero (Celsius). Polar bears, Arctic foxes, ringed seals, and a few species of birds are the only animals found there.
Since the North Pole is not a distinct land mass, I will assume that Santa and his workshop are located a little south of it but still in the Arctic. This area is a little more habitable, and more animals can be found there.
Santa doesn’t have to go far to find his reindeer. Reindeer have adapted to life in the far north by surviving on a diet of lichens and fungi during winter. They use their antlers and hooves to dig through the snow and find these tasty treasures. Who knows – maybe something special in the lichens allows reindeer to fly?
Mrs. Klaus may look out the window and see an Arctic Hare or Snowshoe Hare hopping through the snow and avoiding predators. The Arctic wolf and wolverine join the Arctic fox as predators.
The only sea mammal that ventures up to the actual North Pole is the ringed seal, but many other species of seals are found just a little south, including hooded seals, harp seals, ribbon seals, and spotted seals. Santa may also see orcas, beluga whales, walruses, and Narwhals.
Many species of birds live in the Arctic, including bald eagles, snowy owls, and Arctic terns. Snow and Canada geese also enjoy the cooler temperatures.
There are a lot of beautiful animals living in the far north. But my favorite is the puffins. Puffins, with their black wings and white chests, resemble penguins. The big difference is that puffins can fly, which allows them to escape predators. Puffins don’t often venture as far north as the North Pole, but I assume a mix-up between puffins and penguins started the misconception that penguins live at the North Pole.
Other animals are living in the Arctic that I haven’t listed. With habitats getting crowded, more animals are migrating northward. Maybe someday, penguins will live in the North Pole. But for now, next time you see a commercial of a penguin and a polar bear sharing a cola, smile and think, “That’s probably a puffin.”
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